The PKing community of osrs gold for sale was a good group of players in the days of wilderness (this was many years ago). We first asked "dm?" Before we attacked anyone We demanded "dm?" Before we attacked anyone. We wanted to make sure that the person was prepared and we could have a fun, safe, fair fight.
People do dm'ed. Too many times in RuneScape now a-days, I will ask someone "dm?" to get a response of "sure" or "yes" and then have players run to the bank just a couple of minutes after the fight.
We also pinted each other's best accounts against one another, our mains. Because the stats were balanced it made this more enjoyable. It was fun to watch range beat melee and mage, etc. We now have pures that are totally not balanced. This means that PKing is less enjoyable.
Is it me, or has the PKing community lost its integrity over the past several years? This is just a handful off of my head, but I bet there are many more. Will this bring back the integrity of the wilderness, or is it just going to serve as a playground for RuneScape's annoyance?
Many people might not think of all fire cape things. I thought of some things: I am pretty certain that in 2007, we had a small screen, and the field of vision wasn't as good. It was necessary to constantly adjust the camea. Players no longer need to be concerned about the camera.